TESTIMONIALS about Life Coaching
Coaching - Life Coaching by Lorraine Gilks
I believe that life is full of paradoxes. The truth is that each one of us knows how to live our best life and what that life looks like. The paradox is that we don't have the ability to listen to ourselves carefully and when we catch moments of inspiration and clarity, we become dismissive of those whispers. I believe we dismiss our awakenings out of fear, or to seek the comfort of old patterns.
I think of Lorraine as my guide. She has been able to help illuminate where I wish my potential to eventually take me and then helps keep me focused on that vision. The coaching sessions insert the discipline in my life to support me in taking the small faltering steps on must take on the pat the self-empowerment and fulfillment.
Sometimes Lorraine is my compassionate witness seeing me vulnerable and acting much like a mother to a toddler encouraging me to take that step, holding out her hands just in front to reassure me that I might teeter but I will not fall. Lorraine can engage in the fun side of life and laughs with me when I finally see the funny side of my oh-so-serious life. She brings joy, encouragement and empathy to each session and asks only that I see myself as a beautiful powerful being that can accomplish whatever I dream. Surprisingly that is a difficult but joyous and enriching task.
- Celia G.
What a shame it would be for a person to run the course of this life and never have had the awesome privilege of walking with a coach, a person who can lovingly and patiently guide us through our deepest and even darkest corners of our minds and hearts. I have received this awesome gift from Lorraine Gilks. She was not my coach when I physically entered into this world, instead, providentially, Lorraine has been the very person who has coached me through the disabling and damaging elements of what hinders an authentic life; bringing into focus that which I have permitted to be a hindrance to my walk in this life. It is truly an awakening from a brutal self-inflicting mind-set when we are given the opportunity to be 'life-coached'. We clearly begin to view 'self' no longer from tainted lenses, instead through the clear, potential and predestined plans of our life. Today my heart rejoices with gratitude. Thank you Lorraine!
- Christine C.
It has been a great pleasure working with Lorraine as my coach. She has been highly effective in assisting me to clarify my thinking, focus on my goals and achieve significant results. An excellent coach with a generous spirit, Lorraine consistently adds value and does whatever it takes to fully support her clients as they move towards success.
- Paul P.
It was a pleasure to have Lorraine as my coach while I completed the CTI (Coaches Training Institute) Certification program. Working with her helped me further my development as a coach and business owner. Our sessions allowed me to reflect upon my learnings and Lorraine provided a space where I could celebrate all of my achievements along the way. Working with Lorraine made me fully prepared for my certification exam. And most importantly, I was able to enjoy the exam process immensely. The most crucial aspect of our coaching relationship was that Lorraine helped me identify a gremlin that was holding me back. This new found awareness was crucial in helping me move past limitations. In the awareness, I found tools that provided a way for me to get into action around building a successful coaching business.
- Janice C. ACC, CPCC
I sought Lorraine's help to re-write my resume after deciding to make a life and career change and I was having no success in getting to the interview stage with the resume and cover letter I had. Lorraine was amazing at pulling out and phrasing my skills and strengths so that they appealed to potential employers. She also taught me how to easily tailor my resume and cover letter to grab potential employers attention. She was wonderful to work with. Lorraine is a professional and managed to make the process of re-inventing my resume, career and life fun. Without Lorraine I would not have got the interview, job and my life back. I would highly recommend Lorraine to anyone looking to make a career or life change to assist them through the process.
- Sarah P.
Coaching with 3P (Lorraine Gilks) has literally transformed the way I think, feel and look at my life in a matter of weeks. Limiting thoughts and beliefs about myself have stopped me in the past from really creating and attaining the "Magnificent Life" I had been yearning to achieve deep down for years. Weeks ago, I couldn't figure out what I wanted from my business or my life, but thanks to the, 'Breakthrough Coaching' that Lorraine and I completed I now have much more clarity and peace within, many of my goals have already been achieved and I can see and feel doors opening that were previously locked and old doors to my past permanently closing. Lorraine's energy and expertise is loving, grounded, healing and tangible! I am so grateful to her and her gifts. I would recommend anyone and everyone hire Lorraine as their life coach.
- Vanessa P.